Hi Fam!
Hope you are doing fine.
Today,I thought of sharing my opinion on the most requested topic of all times...is hair care important? If yes,then how to take care of it?
Who doesn't like having long, healthy,shiny and beautiful hair?
Today, we'll focus on the various reasons why actually hair-care is important.
So,let's get started!
Taking good-care of your health is important and it is equally important to take care of how you look overall.How you look should matter to you at least and not necessarily to others.
- Hair plays an important part in reflecting your personality.
- Well maintained hair speaks out volume.
- I mean why not? It is the need of the hour.
- Slight hair-styling can change the way you look, for that you need healthy hair.
Why Hair-fall occurs when we move out from India to UAE/Gulf countries?
This can happen because of so many reasons.
Few reasons are as follows:
- May be change in water has triggered hair-fall
- Due to low hemoglobin or high iron deficiency
- Not following a healthy diet
- High stress-level
- External factors such as dust and sand blocking the roots
- Oily scalp and so on
How to tackle these factors?
- Visiting a doctor might help in identifying the actual root cause one of them might be due to hereditary
- Eat well,follow a good diet-plan which should be rich in iron,proteins etc.
- Massage your scalp coconut-oil twice a week
- Use hair-masks such as curd and egg twice a week.This will help in keeping your roots nourished and scalp will stay clean
- Gently rub Diluted aloe-vera gel on scalp
- Shampoo your hair once or twice a week
- Use Paraben free hair-care products
- May be taking multi-vitamins help(please refer a doctor and only then take any external multi-vitamins)
- Use a cotton scarf while your are out and about,this will help your hair breath and hair will not really come in direct contact with the dust & sand
- Do not scratch your scalp a lot (if it itches).It itches because your scalp is dirty.Try to wash your hair whenever possible and keep it clean.
- Stop thinking (read : overthinking) about your life-problems as it will definitely trigger stress and today,it will cause hair-fall which can certainly turn into a permanent hair-loss and cause many other health-issues.
- Last but not the least, drink plenty of water and eat well,exercise regularly.DO NOT LEAVE HOPE. :)
Hope you found this post informative.
Please share it with your friends and family and spread the word.
Get in touch with me, my social media handles are as follows:
Note : I am not a certified dietitian or a doctor,kindly visit a doctor for their expert advise.
All the details shared by me are solely based on my personal experiences.